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Eli Sachse, BSN, RN is an experienced freelance writer in copy and editorial. Published works include articles for Sonoma Medicine and MyHealthTeam, and instructional booklets on LGBTQ+ subjects with Microcosm publishing. Copywriting experience includes content for web and social media for Red Sky Comics.

Please use the top menu to navigate a variety of writing subjects by category, including LGBTQ+ topics and general health topics. Or, find a short list of selected published works below.

Eli can provide a wealth of solutions for your organization, including development and delivery of customized LGBTQ+ cultural sensitivity educational presentations, sensitivity reading, LGBTQ+ focused group facitlitation including art activities, curation of group art exhibitions, and consultations regarding creating a more welcoming and inclusive school, workplace or healthcare practice. Past clients include Merced County Probation, Merced County Office of Education, Stanislaus County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, the LGBTQIA+/2S Collaborative of Central California, Fresno State University, and more.

Quick links to selected published works:

My Health Team:
Narcolepsy Management at Home
Assistive Technology for Communication in SMA
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Life Expectancy: What’s Known, and What’s Unknown?
Psoriasis and Ethnicity: Is Race a Risk Factor?
Hospice Care for People With MPNs
Microcosm Publishing:
Next-Level Ally: How to Support Your Queer and Transgender Friends
Sex Without Roles: Transcending Gender
Sonoma Medicine:
The Current State of Surgical Treatments for Gender Affirmation